티스토리 뷰

It announced on the 11th to be assumed. Democratic Majority Leader yiinyoung reportedly gathered opinions on the correct day miraedang danggwonpa, per definition, democracy pyeonghwadang, these measures have alternatives Party officials and "4 + 1" pivoting private council. Democrats are reportedly to try first the election law amendment process and then collectively assumed the five bills, including the 13th amendment of the Elections Code. It comes the next general election candidates registered hagetdaneun will handle the election law amendment before it as the beginning of the 17th. Democratic Party official said, "First, raise the electoral law will be estimated in the order of prosecution reform, three kindergartens law." Democrats to handle the four fast-track legislation, including electoral law

Philly Buster is that for the purpose of interfering with the few laws, the process of law "be presented in the future, not at all, the agenda of the 199 law. Compared to perform target is 2016 Philly Buster if caught legislation related to national security and human rights that must be visual differences between, 2019 Philly Buster is enlarged at random to such non-issue bills, bill unanimously. Compared to the necessity and silik 2016

Geoseda surrounding the criticism that the disadvantage may occur depending on the economic capacity and residence of the candidate. It remarks hagiwooda Minister geotyieoseo to acknowledge the fact that wealthier children can take the test several times in private English language test that introduced advantageously criticism flooded. The original meaning of the word he used called 'minnow Takei (fountain) "has the meaning of" key (extended) ", the benefits inherited from the parents. Hagiwooda Minister "is like saying that" it is a crafty guy danyeoseo the Academy '' pointed out that for the introduction of private English language test such unfair in broadcasting and was also speaking. In this regard, the main opposition party Constitutional Democratic Party

There is a purpose. Past Terrorism Act when the Democrats haeteotjiyo so. But a funny thing, Democrats are going to have a fit Philly buster. Anyway plenary session is to end in 25 days, votes are built upon ideas that there is no need to give a chance to speak ten thousand hours of Han Dang party to, the 25th's just a simple matter of time. 23 24 25 days to continue the party Han Dang oechimyeon the injustice of the fast-track method to Philly Buster peoples is that jungeseon

It can handle fast-track legislation. (Where buteon party Han Dang Philly Buster impossibility) of another party, and Han Dang menbung protest. Moon Hee-sang: Discussion'm not? Then another vote? Now Han Sang also by eating mustard and wept one mingyeonguk start proceedings speak. But consult chapter five minutes? Time passed over, declared that the microphone away and then come off people. (Dignity of the speaker) This is not a debate that if a doctor is in progress remark yiraseo time to end contact sheets. The next batter jeongchunsuk Democratic lawmakers speak out nicely proceedings and entering. Contact blind 12 bill assumes complete. Now Han Dang application is more than 30 amendments to attract hour. This pending voting busy being computerized input.

Key Democrats said, "election law, gongsucheo law microscopy investigations are adjusted law (Criminal Procedure Code, geomchalcheongbeop) and considering assumed net to" and "temporary parliamentary session agenda and assuming order 'Hey four parties and the ruling council (4+ 1) were called "in the end will determine." However, the four variables should there be an agreement for a party and election law amendments. This is hangukdang 'bunch amendments with respect Philly Buster

Because you want to calculate. That is to get as December 10th regular session ends I want to congratulate and applaud, then the term expires Majority Leader succeeded in Philly Buster received unanimous applause that extended until the election like that bunch. To prevent ▍ 'animal Parliament' birth as a side effect of the 'Parliament Advancement Act, a "plant Parliament' Philly Buster can be liable to cause 'noise Parliament. To distort the original intent of Philly Buster, and attack the Parliament

It's a Philly Buster (debate indefinitely) general discussion not applied for it. Contact chapter is the discussion which can be terminated Suit over time. 4. At the end of the budget process will finally assume the long-awaited fast-track legislation (electoral law, gongsucheo, microscopy investigations are kindergarten law, etc.). From here, Han Dang party will be a full-fledged Philly buster. The Philly Buster can not prevent this, contact the blind. Original Philly buster is the time to draw strategy, even if there is to stop the bill itself (as mentioned above the end of the extraordinary session of the plenary schedule opens again

If the reason for notifying the injustice of the evil law of Terrorism Act, 2019 Philly Buster can not find a reason why they should be targeted at the law unanimously. Compared to the exemplary purposes, if the 2016 Philly Buster direct and definitive measures that deter terrorism Act process, 2019 Philly Buster is a process of law, be presented in the future, very few laws, there is not even the agenda of the 199 laws is that for the purpose of interfering. Compared to the exemplary object, 2016

Anhandaneun assumed that the promise haejugo pass Min diet, three kindergartens law, consumer law, and then rest for a while plenary was the Liberal Party and the prorogation agreement geolro unprecedented and is it possible to handle the plenary vote on the bill, Pat? So if gets put to the vote on the bill even if Patrick did not pass in this session to Philly Buster passed the following provisional National Assembly ... In fact, I hope I do not know if that's possible is impossible after haneuni per sonnotgo do anything to them the punk shit tried Democratic Representative Lee Hae-chan as well is the 11th said, "If the prosecutors involved in legislative activities, including the prosecution of Senator reform our party will disclose your real name." The representative

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